Monday, May 3, 2010

Leaps and Bounds

This weekend we had great weather which allowed me to get many things taken care of. We have alreaady started loading Lil Provo with her seasonal supplies, life jackets, weather gear, electronics, etc. We also made headway on the painting. We have completed 80% of the bottom painting, the waterline strip, and repaired the black strip that runs down each side, and compounded out some nasty marks made by the dinghy along the side. This week we will continue to work on her after our normal workday and a stop at the local tavern to unwind from work and set my game plan day by day. I need to purchase a new VHF antenna and a new windex. It seems like I go through one of these per year. If it doesn't get broken lowering or raising the mast, some steals it, or I lose it on the way home by the antenna unscrewing. While in the basement I found two packages of the windex remnants from the past two buys.

We also gave some attention to the dinghy. We have begun the job of painting her. We are going to make her white on the inside and outside. There is nothing worse than coming back after a day of sailing and finding you can't sit on the seats because they are so hot. We also used some ipe' wood and added about 1-1/2" to the transome. Someplace along the life of this dinghy something happened and the transom got lower than the sides. Every time we would have three people in the dinghy, I was paranoid that water would come over the back. Moreso, when you stop the motor and see that wave coming back to the boat. So I added about 1-1/2" and then fiberglassed it in for a nice strong top edge.

I need to get the mast ready to go and move to the top of Lil Provo. When the time is right, I just drive her down to Keyport and have her placed into the water. If all goes well, maybe I'll have her in the water for mid May sailing. The fishing should just be coming alive.

One of my friends loaned me his cast net and I have been practicing, but still need lots of practice. There are many videos and instruction available on line, but you really have to learn yourself. The tips are great, except each person does it a little different. It is what works for you. So that is what I need to find, what works good for Jim.

This will cover this weeks review. Possibly I'll be back with more.

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