Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Calm Day in Keyport Harbor/Raritan Bay

Saturday was a very calm day, Before I left home I checked the winds and they were down to around 5 knots. When I arrived at the boat yard the wind was non-existent. It was a very high tide, most likely still being effected by the new moon earlier in the week. When I arrived at the ramp there were boats (dinghies) were there usually isn't. One was along side of the yards mooring dock and must have gotten pinned under the walkway when the tide came in and flipped over. It had an outboard on it, so when the owner came to try to get it, it was difficult to deal with. The other was a dingy that had been too low on the ramp and had taken on water from the high tide. No my dinghy was fine as I keep mine about about 15 feet above the water in the boat yard. Yes I have to buggy lug it down to the water, but it is a lot safer up on high ground than by the water.

I went out to Lil Provo and checked her out to see how things were over the past few days. All was fine as usual. The only problem was no wind. I didn't even make an attempt to go out with motor as what was the point without wind. I decided to clean her up a little and do some fishing at the same time. I put out two lines. One with spearing and one with blood worms. As I sat basking in the sun and watching my lines, I watch all the fishermen lined up on shore and not catching a darn thing. Well, neither was I. I didn't even have one hit! After sitting there for hours waiting on the wind, I decided to call it a day and head back home.

The following video was done last week while sitting on the mooring. It is just a camcorder sitting there with no special image in mind. Something to sit back to.

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