Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Winterizing Lil Provo

As most are aware, we have had some pretty crazy weather lately. We have had earthquakes, hurricanes, and early snow falls. What else has mother nature got in store for us. Before it gets to late into the season it was time to winterize Lil Provo. When I say winterize, it isn't the same as filling toilets with antifreeze or stuff like that, it is removing the bottled water and other drinks from the cabin. Anything that is liquid, like the spray cleaners under the sink. They will also freeze and can create a mess to clean in the spring. Have to move the porti potti to the basement along with the outboard. Anything that cold might bother gets moved into the basement. Later I will remove all the cushions and just about everything else in the cabin and lockers. I like to start each season clean, but by the end of the season, most the same junk is back on board. Why do I need four fishing poles, two tackle boxes, eight life jackets, 2 sets of rain gear, a tool box, had pumps, nets, boat poles, paddles, two GPS units, and much more. I try to get away with out some of it, but it always ends up back on the boat. Maybe I'm a hoarder sailor?

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